Our geography fieldtrip to Beccles
How we got to Beccles
We were very excited to take the train to Beccles. For many of the class this was their first ever journey on a train. Ant was our conductor on the outward journey and he made sure that we had plenty of time to get seated before the train set off. Gary was the conductor on the return journey and he helped us get to the correct train door to exit the train. The train driver got out to talk to us and she was really impressed with how sensible we all were on the platfrom. Although we knew that they were going to sound the horn on the train we all jumped with how loud it was!
Once we arrived in Beccles we split into four groups. Each group went to a different part of the town centre where we created some sketch maps and a traffic survey to get a feel of what it is like to live in Beccles. The children also conducted a short survey asking members of the public why they were in Beccles, how they had travelled there and how often they came into town. We got some very varied responses that gave us a good idea about how people used the town.
The children were really polite and well behaved and this was commented on by many of the members of the public as they walked past us.
St Michael's church kindly let us use the undercroft where we could eat and use the facilicities. We had a really lovely day and a great learning experience.
What the children said about the day:
"I really enjoyed the making a sketch map and trying to fit all the buildings in"
"I thought it was interesting that most of the people we spoke to lived in Beccles. I got to learn a lot about the town."
"A lot people used their car to get to Beccles even though they lived in the town."
"I thought it was fun because I got to go on the train for the first time"